The drug du jour making the news is Ozempic. The medicine was developed to help people with Type 2 diabetes curb hunger pangs by mimicking a natural hormone that tells the brain that the stomach is full and doesn’t need to eat anymore. And what happens when you eat less? You lose weight. No surprise but it’s hard to do.
So everyone else who isn’t diabetic (yet) and interested in losing the pounds without exercising are keen on Ozempic to rewire their brains and body functions. However Ozempic isn’t approved as a weight loss enabler. So Novo Nordisk, the drug's clever manufacturer, decided to create another GLP-1 (glucagon like peptide-1) drug with same active ingredient, semaglutide, under another brand name, Wegovy.
Lots of people get sick because they are too heavy. Consumption of these drugs may not be so bad after all, if people get healthy. Here’s perhaps the unintended and unexpected part of this wonder drug story - weight loss is affecting other parts of the economy. Here’s a list:
Sales of everything from soft drinks, chocolate, ice cream, chips and dips, biscuits etc are on a downward trend in the US because their loyal, larger customers are not craving snacks as much. In fact, grocery sales by GLP-1 drug takers are down 6% within the first 6 months of taking the appetite suppressant drugs. Processed snack sales are down 11% within the same consumer group. The big boys are taking this revenue impact seriously by creating new growth segments aimed at Ozempic and Wegovy consumers e.g Nestle launced a new line of high-fiber, protein-packed foods called Vital Pursuit specifically directed at this burgeoning American market. (I had to make the pun).
Still on food, restaurants might start to serve smaller portions to accommodate active weight watchers and their reduced needs. They’ll save on ingredient costs and prep time possibly. Prices may not come down though, haha. On a less rosy note, fewer people are eating out because they want better control over the food they eat and now choose to prepare instead. Though the same customers might spend more on alcohol and drinks because I think they’ll likely compensate on other gastronomic pleasures. Wonder if someone is going to put calorie counts against cocktails? Some of those are ripe with sugar. Low carb cocktails might become a thing. How do you make a drink with protein powder?
What do you when you can’t eat? You exercise! As folks lose weight, they are more motivated to hit the gym or take a run around the neighbourhood. And what do you need to enhance the sweat generation? The right clothes of course. Morgan Stanley has reported that GLP-1 takers have been buying more shoes and athleisure wear. Good news for sportwear brands and bad news for specialty shops stocking XL sizes. Some bespoke clothes manufacturers are reporting that their regular customers are ordering clothes one or two sizes smaller. Less material used, less resource cost, increased margins.
This is going be interesting yet quite simple. Your car will need less petrol to run if you weigh less. Money saved! The airlines are celebrating too. Lighter passengers means less airplane fuel to fly planes. Also if they’re eating less, it might mean airline kitchens having less food to prepare. Will ticket prices come down?
We’ve all seen the sign that reads “Capacity XX people (YYY kg)” in lifts. If the average weight of human beings comes down, then lift manufacturers could actually reduce material costs by not having to support higher loads at the same safety factor. In fact, this will affect the whole construction industry! Support less loading per square metre equates to dollars saved.
Fitness trackers
With the ozempic working and with same motivation to exercise might spur a parallel inclination to track progress. Health tracking devices from the Apple Watch to Garmin have been around for a while now and they’ll become more popular as people start comparing their actual less heavy lives with digital reporting validating their achievements.
Turns out there’s some work done with GLP-1 and pets! Some diabetic dogs and cats have been injected with these drugs with positive benefits. It might be some time before these studies are sufficiently validated for prescribed use but it seems like we’re gonna get there soon. Happier, healthier pets means happier owners.
Hospitals and insurance
If people become healthier, will people need doctors as much? Will insurance companies need to pay out less for the same reason?
Will umbrellas and sofas become smaller? Hmmm.