How not to? Food glorious food. The way to a man's heart is indeed through Singapore. One survey quoted the number one reason for Singaporeans not to migrate overseas was food. And like ants to Pooh Bear's lair, we descended upon Sixth Avenue in Bukit Timah to feast ourselves on crawly shellfish.
It all started when someone in my office mentioned that there was a kopitiam zhi char that sold 3 crabs for $28. Not a bad deal in Singaporean terms. So I got the number and address and set up a dinner date with 7 other people.
My first hurdle in all this was speaking Mandarin to the lady who picked up the phone. I managed to tell her I needed 12 crabs for 8 people the next day. She then asked me what ways I wanted the crabs done and I managed to mumble some gibberish about picking the choice when we got there. Phew.
At the back of our mins and the fronts of our stomach, we had the impression they weren't going to be very large. Come on, good deals aren't easy to come by. But lo and behold, they were adequately sized for us to go "Hmmm, not bad". We had 15 crabs in the end, in 3 sets of 5, done 3 ways. The waitress tried to upsell everything else on the menu but we didn't fall prey, save for a large rather salty fried rice and a vege dish.
We had butter crabs, white pepper crabs and salted egg crabs. The last two choices were good. They came impressively stacked. We came with hungry stomachs and couldn't wait to crunch and devour.
(...I fell asleep)
(the next day...)
It was over in about an hour, and 15 crabs were about right for 8 of us. It's a pretty ok deal so go and spend some money on your family at Xuan Eating House, at the start of Annamalai Avenue at Sixth Avenue (100 metres from the junction of Sixth Avenue and Bukit Timah). Call 8404 5087 to reserve your crabs, tables are not a problem.