Michael Clayton is a strong, smart film. Strong because there are actors whose faces and actions and voices speak volumes with each utterance and movement. Smart because the plot is intelligent yet freakily plays with time and coincidence and divine intervention. The cinematography focuses on the movements and expressions. Nothing wide and panoramic, mostly close and gripping. The lines are powerful, a little overwhelming at the start when the audience is unsure of next steps of anticipation.
You have to pay attention to the lines. There is wit and wisdom and sarcasm and sobriety. The plot doesn't unfurl quickly but surprisingly the movie doesn't bore too quickly and you get it once certain things blow up. Yes there is one explosion. Well two. Consecutively. The links between events that seem inconsequential somehow come to the fore when the time comes. It's a little unnerving yet mind-blowing.
George Clooney is good. Watch his face and his delivery. When he's mad you know. Tom Wilkinson is great too. Tilda Swinton, the Cate Blanchett lookalike, works up a sweat (haha! you'll know what I mean when you watch the show) and proves to us all the women in power can be nasty too (if you haven't already found out).
Go watch Michael Clayton if are in the mood for an intelligent film that's good all the way to the end. The official site is linked here.
We ended up at Bencoolen Street for two kosongs and teh tarik kurang manis. And Happy Birthday Georgina.
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