One thing that may "define" our lives is the ability to leave a mark in/on the world. Well, I could be talking about graffiti, where one's creative use of language and paint could leave an impression worth making the papers with, and landing in jail for a few weeks, rotan lashes thrown in for free.
Perhaps I should have started out softer, more whimsical and romantic. Did you ever dream of making it big? Like when you turned 21 and thought the world was yours for the taking? Ok, that's like crap. (Unless you live in California). We dream of writing books, making a film, buying big houses with (insert name here) Estate on the front gate, playing a piano concerto in front of 2000 tuxedo-ed and gowned snooty people. Others may envision planting a flag on Everest, or replanting the Sahara or making a scientific breakthrough to save the worsening world. That's the really big stuff.
I think, or rather I know, some of us have discovered that one way to put your mark on the world is through our children. I don't have any, yet, but have been looking after my nephew (6 months old) on and off. Beyond the genetics, I can see how a parent would want to shape his/her kids life. To mould this fresh, clean slate into a bright, gleaming human entity. That's a permanent impression, from the ABCs to what your kid does when he/she sees someone steal.
You hear it on TV all the time - parents want to live their dreams through their kids. That's up to you when the time comes.
So are you making an impression with your existence? Or what have you done? More importantly, how important is that to you? I bet some, maybe most of us, don't even care. Or you could just look out for some fresh concrete and take a hands on approach.
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