Tuesday, 5 August 2008

Post-Its & Note Fix

Ever heard of the marketing ploy where one company with one product line creates a similar product line to further cannibalise the market? For example, a shampoo manufacturer with 10% market share for one brand could launch brand two so that it ends up with 6% market share for both (that means an overall 12% market share). Voila, up 2%.

Today I went to get a pack of post-its from the stationery cupboard. Lo and behold, I found Note Fix. Looks alright and yes, sticky enough. And guess what? Note Fix is also made by 3M! Post-Its by 3M and now, Note Fix by 3M. The glue seems the same. Maybe they used 9% less sticky stuff on these. Probably also sold cheaper. I guess 3M has long found its 2%.

I didn't know Made in USA was Hecho En EUA in Spanish.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it could be they use different names for different countries? those cultural nuances thing. or some funny competitor's name is similar to original name...

post it
note fix