Sunday, 30 December 2007

Adios 2007 Part 1

I wasn't at work but found out that everyone left at 3pm to celebrate the end of the last working day of the year. 3pm and no one opened the fridge for a spot of fizzy delight. Tsk tak.

I was asked to come eat. Wendy was inspired to roast a chicken and bake fruit. Not at the same time. So I ventured down to carve a bird with Zul and Furqan, the other hilarious attendees at this afternoon swoiree of sorts. The food turned out all good and tasty, topped off with scoops of Haagen-Dazs and dirty conversation. Thanks for the present Wendy.

By 7pm, I had showered and was ready to hang out with people younger than I. Curry in hand (compliments of the mommy) I somehow made it to the confusion that is Hougang (in fact I was close to the labyrinth known as Sengkang. I did not freak out.) The party was underway with way too much food. Sushi, meatballs, sandwiches, pasta salad (butterflies no less), spizza pizza. Regina organised this shindig with Shuyau at his home. She would not let a party go by without some element of madness. Hence we had masks/hasts/headgear to put on. You may recognise humans behind some of them. Then we had the year-end we-all-deserve-gifts lucky draw. Performed as a Taoist ritual, we shook plastic sticks (with names of eventual winners) in a cup and everyone hoped their stick wouldn't fall out till the top 10 prizes were left to distribute. I won erasers and a notebook. How copywriterish. Somewhere along the way I got a giant pencil to simply reinforce the dream.

Post games and madness, I left at 130am for Zouk. You crazy 33-yr old I hear you say. Yes, I had to go to Zouk for French electro-house DJ David Guetta and because Allan was already sloshed with Long Island Tea destroying his liver cells. (FYI/FYA Zouk makes the most killer tea.) There was a queue at 2am (will this nightmare of linearity ever end?). It was crowded but manageable. I lasted till the end, about 530am. Allan snaked off at 4am. I took an interesting taxi ride home where the driver wanted to return me a dollar for 10 cents change, purely for conversation and advice on where to get passengers at 630am. Go figure. (Am going to back Zouk Sat 19 Jan, Sister Bliss from Faithless, guaranteed good time, come!)

After milk and cookies, I was asleep.

See the rest of the pixes at my Flickr.

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