Tuesday, 24 October 2006

Reaction To Email - What The...

Since my email about Survivor Cook Islands, I got mixed reactions from Stomp and the people around me.

Some Stomp folks feel I am over-reacting, that we should embrace our differences and if I didn't like to watch, turn it off. These lame reactions seem immature and indifferent to the world we live in - glossed over with a shiny, happy people sense of security. My response is that they have missed the point completely. It isn't about acknowledging differences. It isn't about entertainment. It's about race versus race, about exalting one race over another and putting another down. The show may be entertaining but the premise of grouping ethnicities goes against a lot that we've been trying to achieve as a one, strong united people. And for MediaCorp to say that this is ok, isn't ok by me.

Well, isn't everyone entitled to their opinion. I just hope everyone has a good head on their shoulders when we need to have one.

Made it to ST Online Forum too. I haven't got a reply from MediaCorp yet nor the MDA.

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