Saturday, 21 October 2006

A Week Too Long

The problem with writing a title before the actual content is that it influences your direction of content development. I have done just that and can't help but think about the tiring week I just had at work, this after 3 mad days in Bangkok.

I have spent most of the work week at work. How sucky is that?
Anyway, it's early Saturday and am taking a good long breath this Diwali. I just wanna stay home and sleep and watch TV and eat and repeat the cycle. The brain is fried and the body longs for the bed. At the same time I feel compelled to write something here, just like the eagerness to spend time at home doing practically nothing but transferring body heat to the sofa, inhaling food smells from the kitchen, watching my mother and sister talk loudly and scratching my father's beard. Theraphy of sorts, a socio-familial balm, a chicken soup. Chim eh? But I am sure you comprende muchacho.

There are so many other things to do but work and think about work. I need to break the cycle. It is so easy to be reeled in, like a entranced moth to the flame of personal responsibility and corporate herd instinct. And it is easy to complain about but difficult to let go of. People easily seek comfort in a routine even if it is you are not too happy with. I'm not much a let-goer - a problem it seems.

Now to bed.

1 comment:

Finding Bangkok Hotels said...

Just make a relaxation, wishing everything is all right...