Tuesday 20 March 2007

Sorry and a post-leave sigh

12 days have gone by since I last posted anything. It seems like the Internet didn't exist eh? That nothing would inspire me to write and write away? I should apologise to my faithful few who enjoy my mutterings.

I think I got too lazy when I was on leave. That was 2 weeks ago, a whole week when
- I didn't get on a plane and got flak for not leaving the country from my colleagues
- attempted at cleaning my room. It is still in a semi-complete state. I have opened Pandora's vacuum cleaner - the mess gets worse the more I try to improve hygiene standards
- I went to Cuba Libre with Kim. We had Sangria and talked and took pictures. Then it was off to Balcony at the Heeren to repeat the feat.
- I visited the National Museum with Wendy. It was my first time there in about 20 years. It was Primary 6 when Mrs Lui brought her bad bunch of pre-pubescent boys and girls to savour in the arts. It was pointless. Our priority was playing hide and seek in the many nooks instead of appreciating the stuff on the walls and pedestals. It is now beautiful. I was el-cheapo and did the free family photographs exhibit. Go visit, please. We ate char kway teow and ngor hiang at a coffeeshop opposite the Substation. Sedap. Apparently a legendary foodie haunt that escaped moi. Shame.
- I didn't swim. I so wanted to but somehow woke up too late and went out too often.
- I went to the IT show. Seemed like the whole planet was there to jostle. I got a laptop drive and many brochures to assist in my future purchase of a personal computing device. Mac I am considering.
- I went to go to No.5 at Emerald Hill to participate in Rose's going-away-to-work-in-HK party. There I discovered I have anger management issues. Long story for the few to know. Not good, soul-ripping.
- (To cap the impending end of holiday week) I went to Georgina and CK's housewarming. It was an office affair with good food and mad fun.
- I watched a lot of TV. Woo hoo. The ass reads couch potato while the eyebags crave cucumber.

Sigh. The pixes follow.

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