Monday, 1 January 2007

2007 Creeps Up

I had zero plans for practising counting backwards at midnight 31 December 2006. Given the back trouble and weak gastrointestinal situation, it perhaps was wise. At about 6pm though, I got a call from Ben. He's a crack up I met through a mutual friend. Crack up funny not druggie. He proceeded to invite to his home to meet people and attempt his parents' cooking. How could I refuse? But I did have dinner at home first.

At the quiet neighbourhood up north, there was a party going on! It wasn't a hip-hop and happening thing, more likely Ben's friends and family hanging out, eating and talking. I was introduced to the mom and dad (wink wink, see you online Aunty wink wink) (both are hoot with lots to talk about), Ben's friends well as to the laksa, jelly, green Fanta, steamed chicken with killer chili and chocolate cake. There was more food but I had to decline on account of the aforementioned and aforeconsumed dinner. Pets-wise, we got acquainted to the bats on the rafters and nameless 6-yr resident emperor newt (I christen thee Augustus) who feeds on little froggies.

Around midnight, we turned on the TV and watched my namesake and the rest of the non-winners from Singapore Idol count down to the new year. They were a minute plus too early. Sigh. We lamented some more about the state of general affairs and went home.

Thanks Ben for the good evening and nice food. The laksa was killerrrh.

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