Saturday, 20 January 2007

That Tingly Feeling

I didn't end off 2006 in great health - bad back and stomach flu. Well, the stomach flu ran its course in time for the new year but the back has left a legacy of the nervous kind. Right now, I have a partially numb toes on my left leg plus I get random sharp pains in the calf while walking. It's freaky, I am sure you agree. Eric, friend of Teck Ghee, believes I have a slipped disc, having gone through similar experiences in his past (plus the painful agony that comes along with such a affliction). The western doc scanned the X-ray to conclude all was ok, despite my repeated hints at slipped-discness (see this earlier post). The acupunturist told me today that I had poor circulation. He pinned me down (haha!) and gave me some foul stuff to drink for the next 4 days. He might yank some bones to realign them a few weeks from now. Yippee. Did I tell you I was a sucker for pain?

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