Thursday 19 February 2009

What Us Reservist Guys Talked About Today

1. How the boots of our platoon IC weren't kiwi-ed. We were warned the evening before to be all prepped and ready with nice uniforms and black boots for the Change of Command ceremony this morning. We were disappointed at the lack of an example he was setting. Yeah right. We took the mickey out of him anyway.

2. How OCBC hid 11% of their profit dive in a $50 million tax writeoff. Hmm, sneaky bastards eh. So the headline read 30% lower profits but reading the finely printed article revealed worse news. Hmm. The discussion turned to the GM bailout amount and how we all know some money would end up in corrupt hands. And we asked why weren't the small and medium firms weren't getting handouts. Sad lah.

3. Why an armour-tank officer is now my commanding officer, of a supply battalion. We figured that being garang was no longer paying off and officers needed to slow down in their later years of service (this guy was almost 40). There was innuendo of hentak-kaki-ness and family pressures. Speaking of family, the outgoing guy thanked his "wife and three children" for their support. Nice but they weren't there.

4. Why some names on the list submitted last year weren't on the list to receive new gear today. I got new gear. I had been asking for it during the last 2 ICTs. Hence my tweet about it taking 3 ICTs to happen. The guys who didn't get anything felt left out, betrayed even. I felt like I got a present and told the CQ guy that he made my ICT. Finally, a helmet to call my own.

5. Where the ice came from. We were shown this safety video about heat injuries. It was quite well put together and had short quips from various NSmen at various levels who blurted stuff about what to do and not to do when it came to preventing heat injuries. In a particular scenario, a recruit on a march fainted from heat exhaustion and his buddies and sergeant came to his aid. They undid his shirt and trousers, and poured water over him. And proceeded to stuff packs of ice at his armpits and groin. Yes, groin. (That would wake me up!) Just then some of us asked out loud "Where did the ice come from?". The trainer had no answer. The other funny thing was that the recruit's undies were red. The only red in a sea of green. Hilarious. Was it the director's call?

6. Why it isn't quite worth it getting landed property. One of my bunk mates and I discussed this issue as I perused the classified property listings. He said there were many costs and issues associated with landed property like repairs, taxes and security that one didn't need to handle if one bought a condo unit instead. I tend to agree now. Then he mentioned "Unless you like gardening lah."

7. Why there was nightsnack at book out. There were sugarless donuts and small, dense pineapple cakes. It was weird that we had to choose a confectionary to leave camp (so were the corny orders). Who asked for the food anyway? I took the pineapple cake - it was pretty good. If only there was tea. But point being, why was there so much food going round? I am so gonna put on weight in these two weeks here.

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