Saturday 19 August 2006

The Oldies and Newbies

My Uni hall folks and I had a dinner yesterday. Supersixians we are and most of us left school (NTU) about 7 odd years. Some married, some married each other, some had kids, most got jobs, most left their first jobs, some got cars and we all grew up. Dinner was at Vilage at China Square Central, an office building no one remembers. It was a good affair with handshakes, memories and missed friends. Mingle and rekindle.

The most popular item on the menu was sausages and banana waffles. I had mushroom soup, shared mushroom and ham crepes with Mary (she's the one doing the vampire move with the Liling's baby Denise) and topped off the evening with a bread and butter pudding (good!). Oh yes, an half-liter Erdinger was thrown or rather gulped down for good measure.

Thanks for showing up. All those that didn't can look forward to another 6 months down the road. Or Xmas. We'll see.

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