Tuesday, 24 April 2007

10 days later

I'm being bad again. I haven't been updating this ol' blog o' mine.

Here's a short history of events gone by:
- I quit my job
- Been tying up current work
- Been taking one personal item from work home each day
- Been telling people I quit
- And I quit my job

Some folks in the company are having a hard time getting used to this fact, and an even harder time wondering why a project manager to going to be a copywriter. The simplest answer is that it makes me happy to write. It is a passion.

It took a long time to secure this. The interview and meetings spanned 2 months. My would-be employer had a tough time reconciling the notion that a PM with some freelance experience would want to pursue creative writing. I wasn't sure initially either but came to realise that a chance like this, to work with good people who know what they are doing, wasn't going to come by any time soon. I wasn't gonna let it slip without trying. It took a test and a lot of convincing to seal the deal. I am thankful for the chance.

I'm going to be earning less, and some folks can't buy that either. "Come on, man, go for the money!", most would cry out in materialistic Singapore. I can't. Somehow I've never been that lucky where renumeration has been concerned, and along the way, I've come to value my time and my happiness with the job.

No more regrets man. Here's to Elroy.


ling said...

Great for you Gurm!!!

happy for you to have a shot to do what you wanna do!

whimmykimmy said...

Yeah, no more regrets Gurmit! (and while we're at that let go of all these regret-regret things from now lah)... There's still more than half the year left to make this a great year - I'm glad you take the first step.

Mike Tan said...

Gurm, you have it, use it. I feel you should be a writer. Go for it Gurm!

Nutty, Crazy and Blurry Teacher said...

Great for you Gurmit! Hope you will be happier with this new move of yours. Do what you think its best and fulfilling for you. Wish you good luck and all the best!!!!

Fonster said...

It's not that $ is not impt, but think we are the kind that we need job satisfaction or interest to keep us going...whatever it is my friend, go for what you believe in =)