Monday, 22 October 2007


Many of you are probably knee deep in Facebook. Others are wallowing in the mire that is the Facebook swamp.

It starts off with friends who invite one another. Hey it's a new Friendster, let's have some fun. It seems like an honest enough, decent enough proposition. Then the cute stuff happens - oh a Vampire bit me, then come the Werewolves, the Slayer invites. Somewhere out there, a huge amount of virtual blood is being spilled. Once people get past the use of teeth, they decide to gamble. Texas Hold'em Poker and Blackjack invites followed quickly. Once people realise they ain't doing so well, they decide on food and drink. I have received Watermelon martinis and sugar donuts among other life essentials. I have sent many of these things too. I apologise. I have also asked some dumb questions about eating faeces for a million bucks and worst-case vegetables. I got some interesting user generated content out of that.

Then things got wonderful. I got a Pacman invite. Woohoo, the game that built Gen X or Y or whatever we are. It is the most fun I have had on Facebook. Until Scrabulous came along. Letter and words that add up to numbers. I am in 4 games at this time. Woohoo.

Apart from all this fun and games, Facebook has helped me have numerous message conversations with groups of people, and even got a gathering set up out of it. Not bad eh.

I did a housekeeping of my apps recently. I was an app junkie, simply adding apps out of the blue. Then the flood of invites and emails took me off the edge. Tired and overwhelmed, I decided to keep it all in check. The images here show my current set of easy-to-manage apps and my state of invites. No more Facebook crap. Sorry I ain't adding unless it's benefitting. I am sure there are some of you who feel the same way too, Faceoverbooked.

Remember, in a Web 2.0 world, control is yours.

Remember this? Antisocial networking.

1 comment:

stardust said...

cos it's way too sticky. we're all too curious about lives of the most remote friends out there and facebook feeds you just that. allows random 'real-time' narcissism too by pretending the world is interested in your life.

BUT they have some quite entertaining apps. :p and some freaky shit like human pets! gawd.

gonna lasts till the stickiness fades off and some (re)defining social site comes along.

how you dude? ") must say i quite like your posts.