Saturday, 3 November 2007

The Week Past

Oh man. I haven't been able to wake up early enough to be at work at the "usually late" time of the morning. This happened from Tuesday to Friday, the tardiness getting worse progressively as the days passed. I got to work on Friday at 945am. Not good, especially when the nearby colleagues are discussing and typing away and probably thinking I'm having post-holiday blues. Or not.

What's worse, I tended to doze off more readily as the day approached dusk. Damn, I feel narcoleptic. I need to get some sleep!

What's worst, it seems like the project I was wading in was somehow turned on its head. With decisions due from far away, and information suddenly being fed in from many concerned chefs who wish to add their own salt to the soup, and lots of grey clouding what we need to do, you can understand my frustration.

I am the problem too. I am happy to say that my previous job 'brainwashed' with a good set of fundamentals in getting some things done. Unhappily, this knowledge helps me see the flaws in what's happening around me know. But it makes me a critical, over-bearing pain in the arse. And I need to let it go, advice I remind myself about when things are not my problem, a simple piece of advice I learned some years back from a remarkable man much younger than I.

I shall hear myself saying that, and complaining less, next week.

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